Singing Aspen

Singing Aspen 30" x 40" Acrylic on Canvas $1,200.
Fall is the perfect time to walk through majestic aspen groves that inhabit higher elevations on the sacred San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff, Arizona. Crystal clear blue skies, gentle breezes, and the coolness of the forest floor blend together to create a very special place. This painting attempts to recreate the feeling of walking through the aspens as they sparkle in the October sunshine.
Reproductions of this painting are available upon request.
Reproductions of this painting are available upon request.
Superstition Sunset

Superstition Sunset 5"x7" Acrylic on Panel $125
Acrylic on panel, 5" x 7".
The Superstition Mountains outside of Phoenix, Arizona are truly a magical place. With campgrounds nearby and accessible hiking trails, it is a fantastic place to hike, view desert flora and fauna, and just hang out. The scenery is incredible and truly awe inspiring. The quality of light from morning to night is constantly changing; it is painter's dream. The varied colors and textures of the desert inspire a wealth of creativity. It is a place I will come back to again and again.
Reproductions and note cards of this painting are available upon request.
The Superstition Mountains outside of Phoenix, Arizona are truly a magical place. With campgrounds nearby and accessible hiking trails, it is a fantastic place to hike, view desert flora and fauna, and just hang out. The scenery is incredible and truly awe inspiring. The quality of light from morning to night is constantly changing; it is painter's dream. The varied colors and textures of the desert inspire a wealth of creativity. It is a place I will come back to again and again.
Reproductions and note cards of this painting are available upon request.
Garden Wall

Garden Wall 7" x 5" Acrylic on Panel $125
Acrylic on panel, 5" x 7".
I just love the architectural landscape of Mexico. Stone walls warmed by the sun, flowering vines bursting and tumbling into the streets, these scenes are enchanting and remind me of the magic of childhood stories like "The Secret Garden". If only I could paint the sounds and scents that accompany these scenes. Mexico is a place that fills your senses.
Reproductions and note cards of this painting are available upon request.
I just love the architectural landscape of Mexico. Stone walls warmed by the sun, flowering vines bursting and tumbling into the streets, these scenes are enchanting and remind me of the magic of childhood stories like "The Secret Garden". If only I could paint the sounds and scents that accompany these scenes. Mexico is a place that fills your senses.
Reproductions and note cards of this painting are available upon request.
Rivers, Rock, and Roots.
This painting journey began last fall in the mountains of Alaska, continued through the Northern Rockies, then onward to Southern Utah and Northern Arizona. This series of paintings incorporates my fascination with the Rivers, Rocks, and Roots encountered along the way. The journey continues...